Guffaw Cigars are manufactured by Vivonte Cigars in the Dominican Republic. This small factory produces some of the finest cigars in the world under their own brand and other labels, including Guffaw. The tender loving care that goes into each cigar is the difference. Every Guffaw Cigar is not only hand rolled but also hand checked three times. Once after it’s made, once after it’s aged and again before it’s shipped.
The cigar production team have been hand-picked and are some of the top cigar makers in the Dominican Republic. Each Guffaw Cigar is a work of passion. The taste you will enjoy when smoking a Guffaw provides you with a direct connection to that passion. You’ll taste the difference or we are not Guffaw.
Ingredients are purchased from the same famous grower who supplies the finest and most famous Dominican cigars brands you know and love. He ferments ingredients for these famous brands using their own grown tobacco and also supplies them with his own stock. Because he’s the best and his tobacco fermentation skills are the finest in the world, an elite group of cigar producers are always at his door. He grows his own tobacco in the DR as well as in Ecuador. Guffaw Cigars use only 3 to 5-year aged ingredients from selected Dominican, Cuban and Nicaraguan seed. The corojo wrapper is the crème de la crème of corojo wrapper available anywhere in the world. So don’t be surprised if your pallet has you coming back for another Guffaw and leaving some of your favorite cigars waiting in your humidor for their turn.
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